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This thoroughly updated edition of Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health emphasizes the importance of social environmental and cultural dimensions of health by examining current issues in health from a wide range of social and behavioral science perspectives. The book uses a social-ecological framework to address multilevel influences on health and applies key concepts in current research and practice. Editor Jeannine Coreil and thirty contributing authors use examples from the forefront of public health to illustrate the relevance of core competencies in the field for diverse real-world problems.

This edition includes five new chapters (Environmental Health; Public Health Ethics; Communication and Media; Global Health; Homelessness), four expanded chapters, updated content within foundational chapters, and revised/expanded ancillaries. More than half of the chapters have been written by new contributors. The changes reflect contemporary developments and challenges in public health, especially the COVID-19 pandemic and the politics of public health. Ancillary materials link book content to current competencies in public health education.

A field-defining resource for more than two decades, this work serves as a core textbook for graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses in public health and allied fields.

Creative Writing

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Rose City Audition: Stories from My Portland Adventure. Lafayette, LA: Tropic of Candor Publications, 2019. 


What do snuggle parties, defiant chickens, black spot, autism, and Buddhism have in common? They permeate the author’s fervent quest to become a Portlander. With remarkable candor and wit, M. J. Coreil chronicles a five-year sojourn in Portland, Oregon, the city of her dreams. Her stories reveal the elation, humor, and wounds of starting from scratch to build community and find home. Rose City Audition illuminates the challenges of putting down fresh roots later in life and explores what it means to belong. 


Essays and Satires

"Single, 61, and Seeking Good Friends," Single at Heart (blog), PsychCentral, February 4, 2020.

"Somewhere on the Spectrum.” Ursa Minor: UC Berkeley Extension's Art & Literature Review, Vol. 2, "Dark Matter," 2017.

“Divorce Paid in Pigs.” Huffington Post, June 7, 2017,

“Snuggle Parties: Would You Cuddle with Strangers?” Single at Heart (blog), PsychCentral, February 2, 2017.

“Margaret Mead and the Single Life.” Huffington Post, July 6, 2016,

“Smile Your Way to Success.” The Satirist, December 4, 2015,

“Soul Repair.” Oregon Humanities, Posts: Fix, Spring, 2015. Posts — Oregon Humanities

Books and Monographs


Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health, 2010
Emphasizing the importance of social context and cultural construction, Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health examines current issues in health from a social and behavioral sciences perspective.

Coreil, J., ed. Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health (2nd edition), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010.

Coreil, J., Mayard, G., Addiss, D. Support Groups for Women with Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti. World Health Organization, Social, Economic and Behavioral Research, Report Series, No. 2, 2003.

Coreil, J., Bryant, C., Henderson, N. Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001.

Coreil, J.; Mull, J.D., eds.. Anthropology and Primary Health Care. Boulder, CO: Westview Press (1990).

Haitian Culture and Health

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Serge Moleon Blaise (1954-  ), Haitian painter from Cap Haitien,

M. J. Coreil collection. 

Beau De Rochars, V. M., Coreil, J., Désir, M., Mayard, G., Michel, M. C., Milord, M. D., Carpenter, R., Streit, T. G., Désir, L., Noland, G. S, & Addiss, D. G. Over 25 years of hope: Development of lymphatic filariasis patient support groups in Haiti. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 111(Suppl 3):89–92, 2024.

Coreil, J., Lauzardo, M. & Heurtelou, M. Anticipated tuberculosis stigma among health professionals and Haitian patients in South Florida. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 23(2), 2012.

Coreil, J. (book review) Rara! Vodou, Power, and Performance in Haiti and its Diaspora. American Ethnologist 34(1):1008-1010, 2007.

Coreil, J. & G. Mayard. Research and employment opportunities in resource poor settings. In Marshall P, Ed., Ethical Issues in Research Design and Informed Consent for Health Research in Resource Poor Settings. Geneva: World Health Organization, Special Topics in Social, Economic, and Behavioral Research Series of  Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), 2006.

Coreil, J.; Mayard, G; Louis-Charles, J; Addiss, D. Filarial elephantiasis among Haitian women: social context and behavioral factors in treatment. Tropical Medicine and International Health 3(6):467-473, 1998.

Coreil, J. (book review) Medicine and Morality in Haiti, by Paul Brodwin. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 12(2):252-254, 1998.

Coreil, J. Lessons in knowledge utilization from a community study of ORT acceptance in Haiti. In J. van Willigen, B. Rylko-Bauer, A. McElroy, eds., Making Ourselves Useful: Case Studies in the Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge. Boulder: Westview Press, 1989.

Coreil, J. Innovation among Haitian healers: The adoption of oral rehydration therapy. Human Organization 47(1):48-57, 1988.

Coreil, J.; Genece, E. Adoption of oral rehydration therapy among Haitian mothers. Social Science and Medicine 27(1):87-96, 1988.

Coreil, J. Parallel structures in professional and folk health care: A model applied to rural Haiti. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 7:131-151; 1983.

Coreil, J. Allocation of family resources for health care in rural Haiti. Social Science and Medicine 17(11):709-719; 1983.

Coreil, J.; Marshall, P.A. Locus of illness control: A cross-cultural study. Human Organization 41(2):131-138; 1982.

Coreil, J. Traditional and Western responses to an anthrax epidemic in rural Haiti. Medical Anthropology 4:79-105; 1980.

Articles, Book Chapters and Book Reviews

Social Stigma

Coreil, J., Lauzardo, M. & Heurtelou, M. Anticipated tuberculosis stigma among health professionals and Haitian patients in South Florida. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 23(2), 2012.

Coreil, J. Lauzardo, M. & Clayton, H. Stigma and therapy completion for latent tuberculosis among Haitian-origin patients.  Florida Public Health Review 7, 32-38, 2010.

Coreil, J., Mayard, G., Simpson, K., Lauzardo, M., Zhu, Y. & Weiss, M. Structural forces and the production of tuberculosis-related stigma in two contexts. Social Science & Medicine 71:1409-1411, 2010.

Jones WK, Weil D, Coreil J., Shoush B. Stigma: lessons from women [conference summary]. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2004 Nov.

Support Groups

Corvin, J., Coreil, J., Nupp, Dyer, K. (2013). Ethnic differences in cultural models of breast cancer support groups. International Journal of Self-Help & Self-Care 7(2), 193-215.

Coreil, J. & Mayard, G. Indigenization of Illness Support Groups for Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti. In Hahn, R. & Inhorn, M., eds. Anthropology and Public Health, 2nd edition, Oxford, 2009, pp. 245-265.

Coreil, J. & Mayard, G. Indigenization of illness support groups in Haiti. Human Organization, 65(2):128-139, 2006.

Coreil, J. Wilke, J. & Pintado, I. Cultural models of illness and recovery in breast cancer support groups. Qualitative Health Research 14(7):905-923, 2004.

Coreil, J.; Behal, R. Man to Man prostate cancer support groups. Cancer Practice 7(3):122-129. 1999.

Women's Health

Child Health

Public Health

Coreil, J. & Dyer, K. E. Social science contributions to public health. In Qual, S. R. & Cockerham, W. C., eds. The International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd ed., vol. 6, 2017, pp. 599-611.


McDermott, R. J., Bryant, C. A., Coreil, J. Eden, A. & Buhi, L. K. Factors associated with institutionalization for treatment of active tuberculosis: A synopsis from in-depth patient interviews.  Florida Public Health Review 7, 39-49, 2010.

Coreil, J. (book review) Mark NICHTER, Global Health: Why Cultural Perceptions, Social Representations, and Biopolitics Matter, Bulletin Amades [En ligne], 79 | 2009, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2010, Consulté le 19 décembre 2009. URL :

Coreil, J. Social Science Contributions to Public Health: Overview. In Heggenhougen, K. & S. Quah, eds. International Encyclopedia of Public Health, Elsevier, Volume 6, pp. 101-114, 2008.

Coreil, J. Malaria and other major insect vector diseases. In Ember, Carol R. & Melvin Ember, eds. Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology. New York:Kluwer, 2004, 479-485.

Coreil, J. (book review) The Focus Group Kit, by David L. Morgan and Richard A. Krueger. Social Marketing Quarterly, 4(3):84-85, 1998.

Coreil, J. More thoughts on negotiating relevance (commentary on special issue "Negotiating Relevance of Anthropological Theory and Methods in International Health," Medical Anthropology Quarterly 11(2):252-255, 1997.

Coreil, J. and L. Whiteford. The household ecology of disease transmission: dengue fever in the Dominican Republic. In M. Inhorn and P. Brown, eds., Anthropology and Infectious Disease. New York:Gordon and Breach, 1997, pp. 145-171.

Coreil, J. Health behavior in developing countries. In D. Gochman, ed., Handbook of Health Behavior Research, New York:Plenum, 1997, 179-198.

Coreil, J. Group interview methods in community health research. Medical Anthropology 16:193-210, 1995.

Coreil, J.; Ray, L.; Markides, K. Predictors of smoking among Mexican Americans: Findings from the Hispanic HANES. Preventive Medicine 20(4):508-517, 1991.

Markides, K., J. Coreil, L. Rogers. Aging and health among Southwest Hispanics. In K. Markides, ed., Aging and Health: Perspectives on Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Class. Sage: Newbury Park, 1989.

Markides, K., J. Coreil. The health of Hispanic elderly in the Southwest. In S. Applewhite, ed., The Hispanic Elderly: Old Problems, New Approaches. Westwood, CA:Greenwood Press, 1988.

Coreil, J. (book review) Healers of the Andes, by Joseph Bastien. American Anthropologist 90(3):712, 1988.

Markides, K.S.; Coreil, J.; Ray, L.A. Smoking among Mexican Americans: A three generations study. American Journal of Public Health 77(6):708-711, 1987.

Levin, J.S.; Coreil, J. New Age healing in the United States. Social Science and Medicine 23(9):887-897, 1986.

Markides, K.S.; Coreil, J. The health of southwestern Hispanics: An "epidemiologic paradox?" Public Health Reports 101(3):253-265, 1986.

Coreil, J.; Levin, J.S.; Jaco, E.G. Life style: An emergent concept in the sociomedical sciences. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 9:423-437, 1985.

Coreil, J.; Levin, J. A critique of the life style concept in public health education. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 5(2):103-114, 1984-1985.

Coreil, J. Ethnicity and Cancer prevention in a tri-ethnic urban community. Journal of the National Medical Association, 76(10):1013-1019, 1984.

Coreil, J. Themes in the role-set of the student nurse. Medical Anthropology Newsletter 9(1):10-15; 1978.


Interview transcript Compassion is Part of the Solution, Center for Compassion in Global Health.

Dyer, K. E., Coreil, J. (2017). Meanings of breast cancer survivorship among members of ethnically-identified support groups. Health, Culture and Society 10(1):64-85.


Coreil, J., Corvin, J., Nupp, R., Dyer, K. & Noble, C. (2012) Ethnicity and cultural models of recovery from breast cancer. Ethnicity & Health, 17(3):291-307.


Zapata, L. B.; Coreil, J.; Entrekin, N. Evaluation of Triple Touch: An assessment of program delivery. Cancer Practice 9(1):1-8, 2001. 


Coreil, J.; Mayard, G; Louis-Charles, J; Addiss, D. Filarial elephantiasis among Haitian women: social context and behavioral factors in treatment. Tropical Medicine and International Health 3(6):467-473, 1998.


Coreil, J.; Losikoff, P.; Pincu, R. et al. Cultural feasibility studies in preparation for clinical trials to reduce maternal-infant HIV transmission in Haiti. AIDS Education and Prevention 10(1):46-62, 1998.


Coreil, J.; Barnes-Josiah, D.; Augustin, A.; Cayemittes, M. Arrested pregnancy syndrome in Haiti: Findings from a national survey. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 10(3):424-436, 1996.


Coreil, J.; Bryant, C.A.; Westover, B.; Bailey, D.; d'Angelo, S. Breastfeeding counseling by health care professionals: client and provider views. Journal of Human Lactation 11:265-271, 1995.


Coreil, J. (book review) Women's Health, Politics, and Power, by Elizabeth Fee and Nancy Krieger. American Journal of Human Biology, 7(4):545-547, 1995.


Bryant, C.; Coreil, J. Bailey, D.; Lazarof, M. A new strategy for promoting breastfeeding among economically disadvantaged women and adolescents. NAACOG's Clinical Issues in Perinatal and Women's Health Nursing 3(4):723-730, 1992.


Halsey, N.A., Coberly, J.S., Holt, E., Coreil, J., Kissinger, P., Moulton, L.H., Brutus, J, Boulos, R. Sexual behavior, smoking, and HIV-1 infection in Haitian women. Journal of the American Medical Association 267(15):2062-2066, 1992.


Coreil, J. Maternal time allocation in relation to kind and domain of primary health care. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 5(3):28-42, 1991.


Bryant, C., M. Lazarov, J. Coreil, R. Light, D. Bailey, S. D'Angelo. BEST START: Breastfeeding for Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies - A Model for Breastfeeding Promotion. Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association Dec:642-643, 1989.


Coreil, J.; Murphy, J.E. Maternal commitment, lactation practices and breastfeeding duration. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing 17(4):273-278, 1988.


Finkelstein, J.W.; Coreil, J. A survey of pediatricians' attitudes and practices regarding maternal employment. Public Health Reports 102(3):302-307, 1987.


Coreil, J. Maternal-child supplementary feeding programs in Haiti. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 33(3):207-211, 1987.


Randolph, S.R.; Coreil, J. (book review) Women United, Women Divided: Comparative Studies of Ten Contemporary Cultures. Midwest Feminist Papers 1:10-11; 1980.

Armstrong Torrens, AM, McCormack Brown, KR, Brindley, R, Coreil, J., and McDermott, RJ. (2011).

Frequent fliers, school phobias and the sick student: school health personnel’s perceptions of students who refuse school. Journal of School Health 81(9):552-559, 2011.

Coreil, J.; Wilson, F.; Woods, D.; Liller, K. Maternal employment and preventive child health practices. Preventive Medicine 27:488-492, 1998.

Coreil, J.; Price, L.; Barkey, B. Recognition and management of teething diarrhea among Florida pediatricians. Clinical Pediatrics 34(11):591-596, 1995.

Coreil, J.; Augustin, A.; Holt, E.; Halsey, N. Social and psychological costs of preventive child health services in Haiti. Social Science and Medicine 38(2):231-238, 1994.

Coreil, J.; Augustin, A.; Holt, E.; Halsey, N. Use of ethnographic research for instrument development in a case-control study of immunization use in Haiti. International Journal of Epidemiology 18(4) Suppl. 2: 533-537, 1989.

Coreil, J.; Mull, J.D., eds. Anthropology and Oral Rehydration Therapy. Invited special issue of Social Science and Medicine 27(1), 1988.

Coreil, J. Pediatricians and lactation management. (refereed letter). Pediatrics 76(4):652-653, 1985.

Parcel, G.S.; Coreil, J. Parental evaluations of a sex education course for young adolescents. Journal of School Health. 55(1):9-12, 1985.

Coreil, J.; Parcel, G.S. Sociocultural determinants of parental involvement in sex education. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy 9(2):22-25; 1983.

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